Friday, July 17, 2009

Object-Oriented Naming Convention

Object oriented programming languages (Java, C#, etc.) follow some fairly standard naming conventions with respect to classes, variables and methods.

Class names always start with a capital letter, and objects/variables and methods start with a lower case.
  • Classes: Object, Action, Date, GregorianCalendar
  • Objects: size (of class Dimension), date (of class Date), name (of class String)
  • Variables: year, month, length
  • Methods: indexOf, substring
Normally, spaces (even if syntactically allowed) and underscores are not used. Instead, names consisting of multiple words are delimited by using a capital letter to start each word. This is sometimes refer to as "camel case" because it looks like a camel with humps. An exception is variable meant to be constants.
  • Constants: BorderLayout.BEFORE_FIRST_LINE, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS
Method names often start with a verb (action) followed by the target object name.
  • Method names that start with a verb or action: setVisible, isSelected

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Java Virtual Machine

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an idealized computer that sits between your running Java program and the native OS. It is the technology that enables Java programs to be written once and run anywhere.

Unlike programs written in typical programming languages such as C or C++, Java programs are not compiled into native machine code, that is code that specific only to the processor in your computer and can only run on it. Instead, they are compiled into bytecode, which can be described as the "machine" code for the JVM. As long as the JVM is available on your hardware, be it a full-fledge PC or a mobile phone, your Java program can run there. (Note: Mobile devices currently run a specialized version of the JVM with reduced capabilities, hence Java programs have to be written carefully to ensure that only supported libraries are used.)

It is notable that Microsoft suite of .NET programming languages also run on top of a virtual machine.

Launching the JVM

The JVM is part of both the Java 2 SDK and the JRE distributions. It is executed as a precursor to running your Java program when you execute the java or javaw command:

java -classpath classpath YourMainClass

The difference between java and javaw is that java prints output to the console window and javaw does not. (In earlier incarnation of the JRE distribution, there is also a jre command that is essentially the same as the java command. It was eliminated to avoid confusion.)


Java is the not first language or programming environment that makes use of the idea of a virtual machine. In the 1970s, UCSD developed the p-System, which is a virtual machine capable of running on multiple microcomputers of the day, thus enabling Pascal programs written for it to run on multiple systems.

Difference from System VM

It is important to note that while JVM shares some characteristics with Virtual Machines (including the name), they are not the same and do not share the same goals. System VMs (such as VMware) sought to emulate the hardware and can host an entire operating system unlike the JVM, which is meant primarily to interpret bytecodes and execute them.

  1. P-Code Machine, Wikipedia.
  2. Virtual Machine, Wikipedia.
  3. Java ME at a Glance, Sun Microsystems.
  4. Patrick Niemeyer and Jonathan Knudsen, Learning Java, 3rd ed., O'Reilly (2005), Chapter 1.

Class and Object

Class vs Object

To clarify the concepts of class vs object to newcomers of object-oriented programming, analogies to the physical world are often used. For example, a class is commonly described as a template or a blueprint from which to create an object.

I find, however, that the best way to describe a class is to compare it a cookie cutter, and the cookies are the objects. The process of creating objects from a class is called instantiation.

When you write a Java program, part of the work is to define a collection of classes and their characteristics, much like making a cookie cutter of, say, a gingerbread man. The actual instantiation will occur at runtime in which multiple objects may be created from a single class, just as you would use the cookie cutter to cut out multiple gingerbread men cookies out of the cookie dough using the gingerbread man cookie cutter. Each object is unique, although they are described by the same attributes, just as each gingerbread man is unique even though they all have head, arms and legs.

What Happens Behind the Scene When You Instantiate An Object

A way to enhance the understanding of the relationship between class and object is to know aht the computer actually does during the process of instantiation.

At runtime, a class you wrote has to go through two phases before it can be used: (1) class loading and (2) instantiation.

Normally, loading a class from compiled class files (*.class files) is automatic and you do not have to worry about it. When the class is loaded, memory for static members (variables and methods) are allocated and ready to use. Note that these variables are shared between objects of this class, so static variables are like global variables.

When an object is instantiated from a class, memory for non-static members (aka instance variables) are allocated. You can have separate sets of these memories, so objects are unique and do not interfere with each other.

An Example

Let's use an example to illustrate. Note that the memory map illustration is simplified for clarity, but the critical concepts are accurate.

ABC is a class containing a static String variable and a String instance variable.
public class ABC
public static String xyz = "This is a static string.";
public String abc = "This is an instance string";
The following is our main class:
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(; ...................... (1)

// Create one instance.
ABC abcInstance1 = new ABC(); ..................... (2)

// Change that value of abc. = "Change it"; ................... (3)

// Create another instance.
ABC abcInstance2 = new ABC(); ..................... (4)

// Changing the value of abc for abcInstance1 does not // affect the value of abc in abcInstance2.


When run, the first line executed (1) loads class ABC and memory is allocated for ABC's static member - in this case, the static variable xyz. We may imagine the computer's memory map to look reasonably like this:

| xyz | This is a static string |
| | |
| | |
| | |

When ABC is instantiated at (2), the memory is allocated for the variable abc. The memory map now looks like this, and the println statement after (2) proves it:

| xyz | This is a static string |
| abc (for abcInstance1)| This is an instance string |
| | |
| | |

When abcInstance1's abc is modified to "Change it" at (3), the memory location for abcInstance1's abc gets a new value:

| xyz | This is a static string |
| abc (for abcInstance1)| Change it |
| | |
| | |

At (4), another instance of ABC, abcInstance2, is created, and new memory for abc is allocated for abcInstance2. Note that xyz is remains the same, shared between abcInstance1 and abcInstance2.

| xyz | This is a static string |
| abc (for abcInstance1)| Change it |
| abc (for abcInstance2)| This is an instance string |
| | |

  1. Patrick Niemeyer and Jonathan Knudsen, Learning Java, 3rd ed., O'Reilly (2005), Chapter 5.